Federation Festival - Saturday, March 29, 2025 Student Registration Deadline - January 15, 2025
Below are step-by-step instructions for joining our Senior Club, creating your Junior Club, and participating in our Federation Festival. We understand it is a lot of information, but it is imperative that you read over everything very carefully. If you have any questions, please submit them to Senior Club Chair Annette Day or Admin Fernando Ramos.
♫ Peachtree City/Newnan Senior Club Dues - Online Registration
The deadline for Senior Club Dues is August 20, 2024. Senior Club Dues are $26 per teacher. Late payments will incur a $15 late fee.
Before filling out the Senior Club Dues Form below, please have the following information ready: your projected number of students, any non-piano events that will require appropriate judges, Theory Test Levels, and the same roster of students you submit to GFMC when registering your Junior Club. Please do not neglect to provide any of these items.
Discounted Rate for institutions with 3+ teachers: You may submit Senior Club dues of $19 per teacher. Each teacher must still create their own Junior Club. Please keep in mind that no Junior Clubs are allowed to have multiple teachers unless you are also your own Senior Club. The GFMC website provides this provision only for Junior Clubs who are also their own Senior Club, though it is not clearly explained on the website. Senior Clubs are responsible for holding their own Festival.
Fill out the Senior Club Dues Form below and return to this page to submit payment.
Registration and payment of Junior Club Dues must be made online by the deadline of October 15, 2024.
Please visit the Georgia Federation of Music Clubs’ website at https://georgianfmc.org/. To navigate to the correct form, use the “Membership” drop-down menu at the top of the page. Choose “Members Area” and use password “georgiapeach” when prompted. Then select “Junior Club Registration Form.”
The name of your GFMC Senior Club is Peachtree City/Newnan. The festival in which you participate is Peachtree City/Newnan. You will also be asked to fill out a roster of your students’ names. Your Junior Club will not be registered until you fill out both forms and pay. Please keep a record of your roster and Junior Club name! GFMC does not send you a confirmation email with your roster and Junior Club name.
Student Festival Registrations
♫ Adding Students to Your Roster
Please add any new students to your Junior Club roster that were not submitted online during Junior Club registration.
Read carefully: Your Junior Club registration allows for 16 students on your roster. If you are staying within this limit, please submit a list of additional students via email to Rebekah Healan ([email protected]). If your roster is over 16 students, please visit the link below to submit your additional students and an additional fee of $2 per student:
Student Registrations will open on December 1, 2024.
If you have not yet been registered into Vivace and cannot access the website, please submit your email, full name (including middle name) and date of birth to Fernando Ramos. Once a Vivace account has been created for you, please login with your temporary password and change your password. Take a moment to look around and become acquainted with the system.
♫ New Students
Teachers will be able to register new students directly through Vivace. Make sure that you collect all of your students' middle names and dates of birth. If a student does not have a middle name, please specify by checking the appropriate box during the registration process.
♫ ReturningStudents (with no prior Vivace record)
Teachers may not register returning students who did not participate in 2022-2024 until all of the students' historical data has been manually entered into the Vivace system. Please notify Fernando Ramos if you have a returning student whose records are not currently available on Vivace, along with the student's full name and date of birth.
♫ Transfer Students
If you have transfer students from other teachers within our festival, please contact Fernando Ramos to have them transferred on Vivace.
If you have transfer students from another state or festival area with no historical data on Vivace, please submit the following form to Fernando Ramos or Annette Day:
Don’t forget to include sibling information and scheduling requests during the registration process. You will see a “Scheduling Notes” box. Please input scheduling requests here and/or if parent is a monitor and/or if student is also taking the Theory Test. Keep notes brief (i.e., Parent Monitor, Theory Test, Morning Only, Afternoon, etc.).
Please remember to review all the rules for repertoire selection, including the minimum number of measures required for Choice Pieces.
Theory Tests: Federation Theory Tests are now following the Theory Time curriculum. If you are interested in more information, please visit www.theorytime.com. Practice tests are also available www.nfmc-music.org/festival (scroll down to find them, along with an answer key).
♫ Parent Monitors
Each teacher must submit the names of 2 parents to volunteer as monitors. Monitors simply sit in a judge’s room for one hour. For convenience, monitors are scheduled around the same time as their children perform; they will not be in the same room as their child.
Please make sure all students have been registered by the deadline. You will still be able to make any corrections, schedule requests, or modification of student's pieces until February 11, 2025. Absolutely no changes will be accepted after this date.
Registration Fees and Payments
♫ Payments via Check are NO LONGER ACCEPTED
♫ Online Payments
Please add each event to your cart and then input the appropriate quantity based on total number of registrations. Please do not check out until you have added all events and theory test fees to your cart.
Our upcoming Federation Festival will take place on Saturday, March 29, 2025, at Christ Our Shepherd Lutheran Church in Peachtree City. Judging will begin at 9:00am and be finished by 4:00pm.
All teachers with participating students should plan to arrive by 8:00am and MUST be present to work as needed on the day of Federation, from 8:00am to 4:00pm. Some teachers will also be needed on Friday, March 28, around noon, to help set up the church. Please clear your calendars for the day of Festival. Teachers will be contacted regarding their contribution for refreshments and Festival tasks
Thank you for your help and cooperation with all of the above steps. Please review everything carefully, including all rules in the Bulletin (especially page 15) and in the Vivace Teacher’s Guide below. Also, please review the most current Bulletin Updates below.