The CFMTA Recital is designed to give students an additional performance opportunity. Finding recital venues has become a financial challenge for large and small studios alike. At CFMTA, we understand the importance of providing students with great opportunities that keep their musical development growing and thriving. This event is open to the public. Families and friends are welcomed to attend.
Dates & Location:
Recital Date - Sunday, April 27th, 2025, at 4:00pm
Registration Deadline - April 1st, 2025
Venue- Fayette Friendship Community Church (847 New Hope Road, Fayetteville, GA 30214)
CFMTA Recital Guidelines:
All applications must be submitted by email to the CFMTA Recital Chair. Please ensure that all information requested below has been provided.
Fees and Eligibility - There will be a $6 fee per student whose teacher is a confirmed member of CFMTA and has participated in at least one event or meeting or an $11 fee per student whose teacher has not participated in any CFMTA events or meetings or is a non-member of CFMTA. All fees will be due after registrations have been approved. You will be notified to return to this page to submit payment.
There will be a limit of 20 students allowed to perform at the CFMTA Recital. A teacher may submit up to 5 students for entry. Registration will be on a "first come, first served" basis. In other words, applications will be approved in the order that they are received. It is recommended to start registering students as quickly as possible. If there is a lack of participation, we will notify teachers who would like to submit additional students.
Teacher Responsibilities - Teachers of participating students are required to work the day of the recital as needed. All CFMTA members are encouraged to attend. We will need one volunteer to host the event (welcome the audience before the first performance).
Student Applicants - Students may select 1-2 performance pieces from either standard repertoire or other styles that best represent student and teacher. Selections may not exceed more than 6 minutes combined.
Recital Etiquette - Standard Recital Etiquette should be observed. Memorization requirements will be decided upon by each individual teacher. We do ask that vocal and instrumental soloists use live accompaniment, as a sound system will not be available. Student attire should be dressy and modest. Short skirts/dresses are not appropriate.
There will be no warm-up opportunity at the recital.
Email Registration:
To register students for the CFMTA Recital, please email the event chair with the information below. Please include "CFMTA Recital Registration" as the subject line. You may register multiple students in one email. If you do not receive a confirmation receipt within 24 hours, please contact the event chair directly. Please wait until all registrations have been approved before submitting payment.
The following information should be provided in your email:
Teacher Name Student Name Instrument Title of Piece(s) Composer(s) Duration(s) Would you like to register more than 5 students? (Yes or No)